Types of access to the e-FACT service

Mode 1: Through the EACAT portal

It allows the connection to the invoice reception portal through the EACAT in the "Applications" tab and from this you can manage the invoices, such as registering them in RCF, rejecting them or indicating that they have been paid.

Mode 2: By adapting your accounting management software

It allows the connection from the own accounting management software.

With this option, once the registration is completed, we will return the connection credentials of the environment
of PREPRODUCTION in order to carry out the necessary integration tests.

Once the integration into the PRE environment is complete, you will have to inform us of the date on which you will put your system into PRODUCTION and that will be when the connection data to the real environment will be sent to you.

For more details consult the Integration with the e-FACT.

Mode 3: Through a private platform provider of electronic invoicing services or accounting software for local bodies

Since the provider to be used is already built into e-FACT, once the registration is complete, only the connection credentials for the service's PRODUCTION environment will be provided.

There are two possible scenarios:

  1. Through the integration of e-invoicing services provided by your private e-invoicing service platform provider :
    • Currently, the accounting management systems SICALWIN (AYTOS CPD), CGAP (ABSIS), SICAP TAO (T-Systems), SICAL Genesys (AUDIFILM), Aiperon Software or Plataforma Gestiona d'esPublico are integrated, among others. In these cases, integration into e-FACT is very easy and fast, because they are systems that are already integrated.
    • For cases where your provider is not integrated, if you wish, you can request it by consulting the Documentation for integration in e-FACT
  1. By integrating an accounting software provider for local authorities:
    • It is possible that this is a supra-municipal body, such as deputations or county councils, that offer this service of receipt and management of invoices to their bodies. In this case, the management of your bills and the connection is done by the supra-municipal body.
Request registration at e-FACT

If you are a department of the Generalitat or a body dependent on it

To request the service, in the case of public sector bodies of the Generalitat, you must go to the Electronic Invoicing Support Competence Center (CCSeF).

You will find more information on the Electronic Invoice website of the Department of Economy and Finance.

If you are a local body

You will find the procedure for requesting the service, in EACAT Procedures > provider Consorci AOC, Service CAOC – Request for services > Procedure "Request for registration and modification of AOC services".

It is important that you consider:

  • That the form must be downloaded from the entity requesting the service.
  • That in order to download the registration form, the user manager of EACAT must have assigned you permissions for the "CAOC service - Request for Services".
  • That, once the form has been completed and validated, it will be necessary to sign it electronically and send it through the "Send" button on the form itself or through EACAT Procedures > Registration window.
Steps to follow once registered with the service - Mode 1

Through the portal EACAT

1. Publish the URL of the delivery box on your website or e-office prominently so that your suppliers can easily find the place from which to send you invoices.

2. Assign the EACAT permissions of the e-FACT service to users so that they can access the Receiver Portal from EACAT. This task must be carried out by the user manager of EACAT of the entity.

The available roles are:

    • Admin: this role allows access to the Receiver Portal in order to manage invoices with their corresponding status changes.
    • Responsible for the service: in this case, for this modality, assigning this role does not apply.
    • DIR3 manager : this role allows you to manage the relationships of the entity's DIR3 codes in e-FACT.

E-fact filter with the Admin, DIR3 Manager and Service Manager options

3. Communicate to your regular suppliers how they can send you electronic invoices ( delivery mailbox ) and the address of the business support portal.

4. Access the receiving portal using the EACAT

Steps to follow once registered with the service - Mode 2

By adapting your accounting management software

1. Publish the URL of the delivery box on your website or e-office prominently so that your suppliers can easily find the place from which to send you invoices.

2. Configure your tool with the FTP data provided in the service registration email in order to be able to receive the invoices sent to you by the suppliers.

3. Manage access to the applicant's own tool.

4. Communicate to your regular suppliers how they can send you electronic invoices ( delivery mailbox ) and the address of the business support portal.

5. Assign the EACAT permissions of the e-FACT service to users so that they can access the Receiver Portal from EACAT. This task must be carried out by the user manager of EACAT of the entity.

The available roles are:

    • Admin: if you have delegated the custody of the invoices to the AOC Consortium, you will have to assign yourself this role to be able to consult them from the recipient portal (no change of status can be made).
    • Responsible for the service: whoever is assigned this role, will be able to receive the FTP data by email whenever they request it.
    • DIR3 manager : this role allows you to manage the relationships of the entity's DIR3 codes in e-FACT.

E-fact filter with the Admin, DIR3 Manager and Service Manager options

Steps to follow once registered with the service - Mode 3

Through a private platform provider of electronic invoicing services or accounting software for local authorities

1. Publish the URL of the delivery box on your website or e-office prominently so that your suppliers can easily find the place from which to send you invoices.

2. Inform the platform provider of the FTP data provided in the service registration email in order to be able to receive the invoices sent to you by the providers.

3. Manage access to the accounting tool.

4. Communicate to your regular suppliers how they can send you electronic invoices ( delivery mailbox ) and the address of the business support portal.

5. Assign the EACAT permissions of the e-FACT service to users so that they can access the Receiver Portal from EACAT. This task must be carried out by the user manager of EACAT of the entity.

The available roles are:

    • Admin: if you have delegated custody of the invoices to the AOC Consortium, you will have to assign yourself this role to be able to consult them from the recipient portal (no change of status can be made).
    • Responsible for the service: whoever is assigned this role can receive the FTP data by e-mail, whenever they request it.
    • DIR3 manager : this role allows you to manage the relationships of the entity's DIR3 codes in e-FACT.

E-fact filter with the Admin, DIR3 Manager and Service Manager options