In order for the e-FACT service to address invoices to the corresponding administrative body, the DIR3 codes of the body must be identified on the invoice. In EACAT you have the space where each entity can manage its DIR3 codes.

The DIR3 codes that each body manages in the EACAT can be consulted by any supplier on the Invoice Delivery Portal . This query of DIR3 codes is frequent given that for more than 2 years, we have been informing suppliers that they must report this data on the invoice.

The DIR3 codes that you can use in e-FACT are the codes that are registered in the "Common Directory ". You can check how to manage DIR3 codes in the "Common Directory" in the DIR3 registration FAQ.

DIR3 codes of the “Common Directory”, FACe and e-FACT

The DIR3 codes are defined in the "Common Directory of Organic Units and Offices (DIR3)". In this space is where the entities define their organization. This organization can be very basic, so that only a single level of DIR3 code is defined, or more complex, where the entity identifies its entire organization in one set of DIR3 codes.

Once the entity has been defined in different DIR3 codes (or just a single DIR3 code), there are applications that, due to their operation, identify entities by DIR3 code instead of NIF. This is the case for FACe and e-FACT. So when an invoice is sent, it is necessary to identify the entity by the DIR3 code, and with this DIR3 code the entity can manage the invoice by the corresponding unit.

The invoice scheme identifies three codes: that of the Accounting Office, that of the Management Center and that of the Processing Unit. These three codes can be the same if the organization has a basic organization.

Is it necessary to register the organization's DIR3 codes in FACe and e-FACT?

In e-FACT it is necessary to create the relationship between the existing DIR3 codes in each body (The relationship between Accounting Office, Managing Body and Processing Unit) so that suppliers can create and send their invoices correctly and also can view the codes of each body discharged to the service.

If, in addition, the organization has suppliers that issue invoices from FACe, it will also be necessary to create these relationships there.

How to register DIR3 codes in FACe

To register DIR3 codes in FACe, you must apply for the registration of your organization in FACe to the responsible ministry, using the FACe application form.

Once you've joined, you'll be signed up by the requested administrators, and you'll be able to manage the relationships between the different DIR3 codes in your organization.

The AOC does not intervene in the administration of the FACe codes nor does it manage the accession of the organisms .

How to manage the relationships of my organization's DIR3 codes in e-FACT

To manage the relationships of the DIR3 codes in e-FACT you need the EACAT user manager to assign you the permission called "DIR3 Manager" of the e-FACT service

E-fact filter with the Admin, DIR3 Manager and Service Manager options

Once you have the permission, from EACAT/Applications/e-FACT go to the "DIR3 Relationships" section where you will find the "New DIR3 Relationship" option

relationship section DIR3 - New relationship

And in the DIR3 relationship creation window, report the DIR3 code data:

When you click on Accounting Office, the service queries your entity's DIR3 codes and displays the DIR3 codes defined in the "Common Directory" of the unit that will process the invoices:

Click on the " Apply " button when you have defined the DIR3 codes of your unit. If you want to delete the data you have reported, click on the " Clean " button:

Remember that you must have previously registered these codes in the " Common Directory ".

How to search

You can search by any field. If you have, for example, these DIR3 codes defined:

And you search for "tour":

It returns the following result:

When you have an active search, it shows you a blue circle above the filter:

You can also do more refined searches, searching for a specific DIR3 code for an OC, OG or UT, by clicking on the filter element:

And reporting the field with which you want to search with the content to search:

Once the different relationships have been created, they will appear in the delivery mailbox of e-FACT, as the General Point of Electronic Invoices of Catalonia.