How to integrate with e-FACT to receive invoices?

To receive invoices Modality 2- Through the adaptation of your accounting management software, you must send the service registration request form that you will find in EACAT Procedures > provider Consorci AOC, Service CAOC – Request for services > Procedure "Request for registration and modification of AOC services" in order to receive the data. Once you have the registration data, you must follow the technical documentation for integration via sFTP in the e-FACT Hub integration guide .

To receive invoices Method 3 - Through a private platform provider of electronic invoice services or accounting software for local bodies, you must submit the service registration request form that you will find at EACAT Procedures > provider Consorci AOC, Service CAOC – Request for services > Procedure "Request for registration and modification of AOC services" in order to receive the data. Since the accounting solution you will use is already integrated in eFACT by other entities, with the registration credentials you can already establish the connection.

How to integrate with e-FACT to issue invoices?
  • Integration request :

In case you are interested in integrating your tools with e-FACT to issue invoices, you can send us the following document through the contact form .

  • Integration documentation:

Depending on whether you have to integrate with e-FACT to send invoices or if you integrate to receive invoices, you need to download the corresponding document depending on the type of integration you need to do:

How to change from receiver portal mode to integration?

These changes in the method of joining the e-FACT via the Receiver's Portal on its own platform must be done in coordination with the invoicing manager of each body and with the technicians of the e-FACT service. This is due to aspects related to the status of the invoices that appear on the receiver's portal and will no longer be able to be managed from this portal. Invoices are either managed from the receiver's portal or through the entities' applications (by integration).

It is necessary that the invoices on the receiver's portal have a final status ("Paid" or "Rejected") before moving definitively to the management of the invoices by the entity's own means. Invoices that are not in these states will be orphaned and they cannot be changed state .

At any time, from the Receiver's portal, you can download the invoice file, attachments and proof of entry into the register.

To facilitate the transition to the new modality in the entity, the e-FACT service offers the possibility, in cases of own integration, that the integration is first validated in the entity's PRE environment.

It is important that when the request to change mode is made, mark that it is a “ Modification ”, and the date on which you plan to have the system in production (“ Apply modification on the day ”):


Upon receipt of this change request, you will be sent your pre-production environment credentials to perform integration into the pre-production environment, relevant testing, integration validation and invoice/statement management flow.

Once the production date has been “reconfirmed” with the AOC technicians, production credentials will be sent to you to receive invoices in your system. Remember that invoices: are either sent to the receiver's portal or go to the integrated system.

Why doesn't the status change XML sent to the HUB make the change?

If the recipient of the invoice sends through integration the status change of an invoice to the STATIN folder of the HUB but it is not processed correctly, the extension in the nomenclature of the sent files should be reviewed, since the HUB , does not currently support state changes with the lowercase (xml) extension. In this sense, the extension of the file will need to be informed in this way XML , and the references and names of attached files correspond to those previously sent in order to match those of the HUB.

Likewise, we attach some recommendations regarding the nomenclature of state change files:

<receiver_id>@<emitter_id>@<reference_1>< strong=""></receiver_id>@<emitter_id>@<reference_1><>

Where the receiver_id corresponds to the identifier associated with the AA.PP. recipient of the invoice and originator of the status file in question, and the issuer_id to the identifier of the issuer of the invoice for which the status is being reported. Finally, reference_1 corresponds to a unique identifier associated with the generated file, for tracking purposes within the e-FACT platform.

And in order to associate it with the invoice, within the XML, the hub_id of the invoice, date of the invoice and the CIF indicated on it must be indicated.

Legal considerations on integration

According to current * regulations, you must:

1. All public bodies have a General Entry Point for Electronic Invoices (PGEF) , which, in the case of Catalonia, is e-FACT.

2. The accounting offices of each inform us of the processing status of the invoices. These states are:

  • Invoice Accounting Register (RCF) : the invoice has been entered in the Accounting Register of Invoices of the recipient accounting office, and the accounting registration number of the invoice must be returned to the PGEF. The entry registration number of the invoice from the administrative register should not be returned, but the accounting number of the RCF invoice.
  • Recognized obligation accounted for : the payment obligation derived from the invoice has been recognized.
  • Paid : the payment obligation derived from the invoice has been paid (finalist status).
  • Rejected : the accounting office or processing unit has rejected the invoice, indicating the reason.

These measures are essential to guarantee correct management of electronic invoices and ensure transparency and efficiency in administrative processes.

For this reason, it is necessary to take into account the following considerations:

1. e-FACT must be integrated only with accounting software :

  • The integration architecture of e-FACT is designed for accounting software and not for integration with Case Manager software.
  • The integration between e-FACT and the accounting software allows for the correct reporting of invoices in the RCF and allows for the communication of the mandatory and final processing statuses provided for in the regulations.
  • The information on the invoices, as well as the statuses of the invoices that must be processed by the File Managers, must be resolved through integration between the accounting manager and the file manager and not through integration between e-FACT and the Manager of 'Files. The AOC does not intervene in plugins and integrations between third-party applications.

2. The entity's administrative register must be integrated with MUX (V3):

  • In order for the electronic invoices to be correctly registered in the administrative register of the entity, it is necessary that the administrative registration solutions of the supplier are integrated with MUX V3. This integration will allow the download of the invoice in FACTURAe format and the download of the receipt in PDF format.
  • Integration with MUX v3 ensures that invoice registration is done only once and that the supplier is correctly informed of their invoice registration number.
  • It is not a correct practice to first register the invoice with the auxiliary register of the EACAT and then assign a new registration number to the invoice with the administrative register of the entity. In this case, the administrative registry must be integrated with MUX v3 for the e-FACT service.

You will find more information in the FAQ about the documentation that can be downloaded from MUX.

* Law 25/2013, of December 27, on the Promotion of Electronic Invoices; Resolution of October 10, 2014, of the Secretary of State for Public Administrations and the Secretary of State for Budgets and Expenditures, which establish the standardized technical conditions of the general entry point for the entry of electronic invoices; Order ECO/306/2015, of 23 September, which regulates the procedure for the processing and recording of invoices in the Accounting Register of Invoices (RCF) in the area of the Administration of the Generalitat of Catalonia and its public sector; Government Agreement 151/2014, of November 11, on the point of entry of electronic invoices in Catalonia